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Dutch Skilled Migrant Program

Updated on 19 February 2024

The Netherlands attracts migrants from worldwide with its democratic traditions and high living standards. Many Dutch Skilled Migrant program participants migrate through the program to the Netherlands. Our consultants and immigration lawyers in the Netherlands can provide you with important details on the Authority for Dutch Immigration (IND) and the requirements for residence permit issue.

Status of Dutch skilled migrants program

Employed highly qualified migrants receive wages matching their profession and qualification level. Persons who have completed their university education in the Netherlands or have a recognized proof of qualification benefit from different regimes that make immigration attractive for highly skilled individuals.

If you hold a Dutch education diploma and you plan to immigrate to the Netherlands, you need to find a job with a salary of at least EUR 2 272 to obtain a permit for residency. If you have achieved excellent results at university, you will be allowed to apply for a residence permit within 3 years after your graduation.

Our local immigration experts can provide you with all important information regarding your situation in the country.

Residence permit for highly skilled migrants

The Netherlands permits immigrants to work, regardless of whether they have decided to stay in the country for one year or more. The country puts efforts in providing knowledge migrants with adequate work conditions even for short-term stays. Skilled migrants are even provided with a tax exception to get 30 percent of their salary tax-free. Read more on the 30 percent tax ruling.

Permits for work valid for a year cannot be extended. Migrants are allowed to a “search year” during which they are supposed to find a job. Then the purpose of stay should change; otherwise, the immigrant will be obliged to leave the Netherlands.

Many people who wish to immigrate to the Netherlands also consider the self-employed visa program.

Our legal experts can provide you with essential information on the immigration system and help you find an adequate solution for your particular situation. If you have any questions regarding immigration to the country, please, contact us.

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