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Trade Register Netherlands


What You Need To Know About The Trade Register In The Netherlands

All companies established in The Netherlands must be included in the commercial register in the Netherlands with a valid registration address, which is named “Kamer van Koophandel” in Dutch. If you do not have such a registration, you basically cannot do business with your company. The Dutch trade register includes both Dutch companies and branches and/or subsidiaries of international companies operating in the country. They must all be included in the trade register in order for the Dutch government to have a correct overview of all the parties who are doing business in the country. Next to that, if you have a Dutch company or subsidiary, you are obligated to pay taxes to the Dutch government. Knowing who has to pay taxes is another important function of the trade register.

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Intercompany Solutions is your trusted partner for Dutch company formation. If you would like to expand your current business to the Netherlands and the European Union or start a completely new company, we can arrange the entire process from A to Z for you. With multiple years of experience dealing with both small and unique start-ups, as well as already existing international corporations, we can tailor our services exactly to your specific needs. In addition to services related to company incorporation, we also offer various extra services such as legal, financial and secretarial assistance, media coverage and marketing assistance, help with your periodical tax return and separate services such as opening a Dutch bank account and applying for a VAT and EORI number. We offer package deals for a highly competitive fixed price, which we always discuss beforehand with you. If you would like to know more about the services we offer, or if you would like to receive a clear, personalized quote directly, contact us immediately for more information. Or take a look at what we do via the button below.
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What is the trade register in the Netherlands, and why is it of any significance to you as an entrepreneur?

When starting a business, it’s imperative that you acquire the necessary information before you start. Such as knowing the conditions to start a Dutch company. If you want to establish a Dutch company, one of the conditions of operating legally is that you need to register your business in the Dutch trade register with a valid accompanying registration address. The trade register is a list kept by the Dutch Chamber of Commerce on behalf of the Dutch government, in which legal entities and companies are listed, as well as all their important details, which you can also actively search for.In the Netherlands, the register is regulated by the Trade Register Act and the Trade Register Act BES of March 22, 2007 (effective January 1, 2008). Now, our advisors are asked every day whether someone should register their new Dutch company with the Chamber of Commerce. In essence, you must always register with the Chamber of Commerce if you are an entrepreneur. To find out whether you are considered to be an entrepreneur, you’ll need to meet a number of criteria. These rules are aptly named entrepreneurial criteria. In short, the definition of an entrepreneur is that you must independently supply products or services to others for a (commercial) fee. But in practice, it is almost never that black and white.

open a company Netherlands

What is the KvK in the Netherlands, and should you register your future company with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce?

In order to register your company with the Chamber of Commerce, which is the ‘Kamer van Koophandel’ in Dutch (KvK), you must first meet these three entrepreneurial criteria:

  • You independently sell a product or provide a service, or you are preparing to do this in the near future. For example, you have already started purchasing products that you want to sell to third parties.
  • You independently sell a product or provide a service, or you are preparing to do this in the near future. For example, you have already started purchasing products that you want to sell to third parties.
  • You independently sell a product or provide a service, or you are preparing to do this in the near future. For example, you have already started purchasing products that you want to sell to third parties.
Do you meet these three entrepreneurial criteria? Then you can (and should) register with the Chamber of Commerce. In addition, there are extra questions that can help you decide whether registration is also necessary. These questions are:
  • Do you invest money and/or time in starting your business?
  • Do you hire staff?
  • Do you work regularly and for longer periods of time for your own company? If you only work during specific timeframes or seasons, keep in mind that you also need to register for large one-off activities such as Christmas tree sales.
  • Do you have multiple customers, or do you intend to have more in the future? If you work for one client all year round, it can sometimes look more like you are employed.
  • Do you decide how, where and when you do your work? As an entrepreneur you have to be able to decide how and when you do your work, even if you let yourself be hired by a client.
Did you answer all these questions with 'yes'? Then you are obligated to register as an entrepreneur with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce. Have you answered no to one or more questions, and are you still unsure? Then you can always call us to help you decide. For example, you don’t necessarily need staff to be considered an entrepreneur, as you can also be the director-shareholder of a company without any extra personnel. Also note: the Chamber of Commerce's entrepreneurial criteria are different from the criteria used by the Tax Authorities to determine whether you are an entrepreneur. The Chamber of Commerce automatically passes on your details to the Tax Authorities after your registration, and after two weeks, you will receive a message from the Tax Authorities with more information and your VAT number.

How do I check if a company is registered in the Netherlands?

The Dutch trade register contains lists of all companies, legal entities and organizations that participate in economic activity in the Netherlands, including their registration addresses. It is a public register that is consulted millions of times on a yearly basis by other companies, institutions, organizations and recruiters, to name but a few. One of the main reasons the register exists is that it is important for legal certainty in trade. By searching the register, you know who you are doing business with, who is allowed to sign on behalf of the company, and whether there has been a case of bankruptcy in the past. This can tell you a lot about the image and trustworthiness of another company, before you decide to do business with them or form a partnership. Once you are registered in the trade register, your company details and contact information will be freely accessible to anyone who is interested. If you would like to keep your business address hidden, there are sometimes exceptions. You can search all listed companies in the Dutch Trade Register freely, but for some searching options, you might have to pay.

How we can assist you with matters related to the trade register

Our team can register your business in the trade register of the Netherlands with a valid registration address
We can assist you in setting up a company and completing the registration in the trade register of the Netherlands
We can also register а subsidiary of your international company in the Dutch trade register. Thus, your subsidiary will be able to easily do business in the EU by obtaining an EORI number, a value-added tax number, and an account at a Dutch or European bank
If you need anything amended or erased from the trade register, we can take care of that for you too
We can also help you with the acquisition of all required documents for company registration
The businessman puts a stamp on the contract

Need more information about Intercompany Solutions?

Our professional team has extensive experience within the fields of company establishment, legal and financial advice, and many other related professional services for (foreign) entrepreneurs with a company in the Netherlands. We can offer you a complete package deal that covers every part of the incorporation and registration process, with no hidden extra fees whatsoever. We aim towards professionalism, transparency and achieving what you want with as little time and resources as possible. If you want to register your company in the trade register, or need something to be amended, don’t hesitate to reach out to us with your query. We will assist you until the matter is resolved. Ready to discuss your needs and thoughts? Contact us and our team will be ready to assist you in your professional journey to the Netherlands.
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Dedicated to support entrepreneurs with starting and growing business in the Netherlands.



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